Womb Wisdom, excerpt from Shamanka: A feminine wisdom path

For such an important organ, there is very little scientific study and information about the womb/uterus. If you do a google search about the uterus, there are few studies and research about this amazing organ, and its normal function. In ancient matriarchal cultures, Priestesses and female shamans understood the importance of the womb. Bleeding monthly was a source of sacred blood, the life giving source and a potent force of healing. In Ayahuasca dietas in the Amazon, it is considered bad for the dieta if a woman is on her period. This is misunderstood as misogynist or anti-feminine, and I will explain the reason that I was told by Mother Ayahausca, or Mother Aya, for this.


During an Ayahuasca journey in Peru, I was just beginning my menstruation, and got an important teaching from Mother Aya about the womb. My previous journeys with Mother Aya had been loving, gentle after an intense purification of vomiting and diarrhea. This journey started with an experience of dying.  I was no longer sitting in the Maloca, a space for sacred ceremony,, everything became dark and I couldn’t see or hear. Then the visions started, I was no longer me, I couldn’t breath, I became light swirling and moving faster and faster and sounds like high pitched humming assaulted me. A part of my logical brain kept telling myself to breath but I couldn’t remember since I was light and sound, I was without a body. I was dissolving into the light and sound, yet a part of me resisted and knew I had to breathe.  I came back enough into my body to leave the Maloca, which is usually against the sacred nature of ceremony, breaking the circle, and once outside I could finally breathe. The trees and the side of the mountain held faces and beings all looking at me. Overlaying this was a red cellular pattern, and Mother Aya started talking to me. She told me she was angry with me for taking part of the ceremony when I was already in sacred space through my menstruation. Mother Aya said that the uterus is sacred and everything here is the uterus, projected out. Mother Aya brings us to this sacred womb space, so we can understand its fundamental nature- interestingly the word  fundus is the top of the uterus, opposite of the Cervix : Definition of fundamental and fundus:




Of or relating to the foundation or base; elementary: the fundamental laws of the universe.

  1. Forming or serving as an essential component of a system or structure; central: an example that was fundamental to the argument.
  2. Of great significance or entailing major change: a book that underwent fundamental revision.
  3. Of or relating to the lowest possible frequency or the lowest frequency component of a vibrating element, system,periodic wave, or quantity: a fundamental chord.
  4. Music Having the root in the bass: a fundamental chord.


  1. Something that is an essential or necessary part of a system or object.
  2. The lowest frequency of a periodically varying quantity or of a vibrating system.





  1. of, involving, or comprising a foundation; basic
  2. of, involving, or comprising a source; primary
  3. (Music, other) music denoting or relating to the principal or lowest note of a harmonic series
  4. (General Physics) of or concerned with the component of lowest frequency in a complex vibration


  1. a principle, law, etc, that serves as the basis of an idea or system: teaching small children the fundamentals ofroad safety.
  2. (Music, other)
  3. the principal or lowest note of a harmonic series
  4. the bass note of a chord in root position
  5. (General Physics) physics
  6. the component of lowest frequency in a complex vibration
  7. the frequency of this component



Noun 1. fundus – (anatomy) the base of a hollow organ or that part of the organ farthest from itsopening; “the uterine fundus”; “the fundus of the stomach”

anatomical structure, bodily structure, body structure, complex body part,structure – a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; “he has good bonestructure”

anatomy, general anatomy – the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals

The reason that it is bad for a woman to take Aya during her period is this: You are already in sacred space, and by taking Aya during this time, you are breaking the sacredness you are already in, you are not honoring the sacredness of your menstruation and uterus. When we are bleeding, we are releasing sacred energy, and can release what no longer serves us too.  Taking Aya during this sacred process angers Mother Aya, and is why shamans today say it is bad or ruins the dieta if a woman is bleeding. In this teaching, I learned it’s not misogynistic at all, but rather a conscious honoring of the sacred state we are in during our menstruation. Plus, you don’t want to anger Mother Aya during a ceremony.


After I understood the mistake I made, and profusely apologized to Mother Aya, I was taken on a journey into the cellular nature of my uterus. I saw the cells of my uterus all around me, projected onto what my eyes were seeing. I was sending love, the nourishment to all around me, as all is my uterus and love is the most nourishing food I can give it. This is the source of my creative ability, my link to the divine, the access point of all things unborn into this world. The uterus is our stargate and we should honor and love it. It awakens when we start puberty, our menses, which is why puberty can be so confusing for females. We have this powerful stargate opening, and we are not taught how to handle or use it properly. This knowledge has been forgotten, we have fallen asleep, and it is time to reclaim this knowledge, for ourselves and our daughters.


Mother Aya told me to clean my uterus energetically, which I did in the journey. I was using my hands and softly rubbing the space around me, which was the projected cells of my uterus, a similar motion to the Reiki symbol Cho ku Re. I learned after this journey that many ancient teachings say we come into this world through the uterus, and that this world is also a uterus for the next world, just in a different form. This is the fractal nature of the universe, infinite wombs giving birth to new realities and dimensions which we experience.


Mother Aya told me that when we go through menopause, that is when we learn to harness the power of the stargate/uterus, and integrate the wisdom teachings. The bleeding stops, and we retain the wisdom, build it up and strengthen our inner knowing.


It can be so difficult to treat everything as our uterus and shower it with love. There are many things that we cannot love, are unable to love since they cause so much suffering. As Mother Aya taught me, we don’t have to love and accept everything we have created here. She can express anger and outrage, and so can we. She can trigger purging, releasing toxins, and so can we. What is left after the purge, is love. We need to take responsibility for what we have created, but we also have the power to release it and let it go. This may be only within ourselves, but that is where our power lies, within ourselves. Trying to change others is just another illusion or distraction, caused by previous creations. The buddhist teaching of focusing on the self, changing the self is the only truth and power that we have.



  1. Journey to your Uterus: do a thirty minute journey to your uterus. Make your intention, it can be to heal your uterus, to cleanse your womb, to connect to the stargate in your womb, to learn sacred knowledge from your womb, connect to your creative aspect held in your womb, or whatever intention that you feel you need to do.
  2. When smudging with sage or other sacred plants, set the intention to smudge your womb, visualize it as projected outwards around you, and smudge/cleanse.


Note: I am currently writing a book on shamanic wisdom for female shamans. I will be self publishing this book and putting excerpts from this book on my blog.


Trine-tastic! Stellium in Pisces Trine the Moon in Cancer

Screenshot 2016-03-17 at 10.51.14

There is a Stellium in Pisces today- 4 Planets- Sun, Mercury, Neptune and Venus, plus the Centaur Asteroid Chiron. Venus is just out of orb to be involved in the Trine with the Moon in Cancer. Stelliums concentrate energy in that sign (or house) bring a unified force of the planetary energies in that sign.

Pisces is a mutable sign, changeable and sometimes fickle, the two fish that represent Pisces depicts its changeable nature. The positive aspect of mutable signs is the ability to be flexible- to adapt to changing circumstances. Pisces is the most mystical and perhaps hardest to define zodiac sign. Sensitive, compassionate and highly psychic, Pisces can also turn into unfocused, neurotic and submissive energy too, due to its mutable nature.  We can get lost in this psychic sea of unknown dimension, so remember to keep anchored and grounded during this intense energy.

“I believe” is the key phrase for Pisces, and the desire to transcend human experience and connect with a higher, idealistic energy is a strong component of the Piscean energy and the age of Pisces which we are just finishing, as we enter the Age of Aquarius, where social reform and a humanistic approach is more prominent.

Each Planet in the Stellium is supporting or working together with the other planets. Neptune rules Pisces, a Planet connected to the Sea, transcendance and dreams, and it’s energy is strongly enhanced in its own sign. Neptune in Pisces allows us to tune into and feel the undercurrents of what is happening around us, the intangibles are brought more into focus and we can sense clearly what is going on under the surface. I expect that many of you had intense dreams recently, take note of them because they will give you deep insight into your Psyche. Mercury in Pisces is opening up a bridge of communication between this intangible, dreamscape and our conscious mind and thoughts. Prepare for many insights, downloads of information and a deep understanding of your own psyche and other’s psyche with this Stellium. Chiron is exact with Mercury, so much of the information that we are receiving has to do with our wounded self, past life issues, trauma we experienced as a child or all of the above. Sun in Pisces is driving is activating our empathy and ability to adapt emotionally to any situation and to change our goals in life according to this new information that is coming to us from the unseen world of the unconscious. Venus in Pisces is directing us to allow us to feel everything at this time- this is not the time to stop certain uncomfortable feelings, and to learn to love those aspects of ourselves that we have hidden, even from ourself! This merging of the unloved aspects of ourself will help to bring us into a wholeness and balance.

All of this intense Piscean energy is supported by the Moon in Cancer, a Water Trine. Water Trines are emotionally supportive, a harmonious and fluid energy, and the Moon is perfect in its home sign of Cancer to give us that nurturing and supportive energy. What do you need to feel secure? What makes you feel at home in yourself? How do you feed yourself energetically? Where do you need protection? These are questions that the Moon in Cancer will help you answer, it is the internal Mother archetype wanting to nurture and support her children with love, protection and nourishment- food and emotional nourishing. Moon in Cancer can handle the psychic flow of information coming from the Stellium and Pisces, and allow you to incorporate that energy into your being in a loving and gentle way.


Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces: Healing and Nurturing our Inner Child

“Let us liberate ourselves from any form of control. Let us focus at the inner drum, where the rhythm aligns with that of our heart. The measure of responsibility, equals to the need for evolution. Just listen, the inner child, let it whisper in your ear.”
Grigoris Deoudis

Solar Eclipses can be difficult to handle for Empaths. There is a lot of release of negative energy by the collective, which we can sense. The usual energy is interrupted by the Eclipse, and we can absorb this negative energy if we are not aware, mindful and actively avoiding this. If you are feeling emotionally low, this time leading up to the eclipse should be spent in nature, by yourself, tuning into your higher self and inner guidance.

New Moons in Pisces are usually considered a “low tide”, an ebbing of the emotional body, and we may be feeling a bit more negative as we head into this Solar Eclipse on March 8th/9th, which occurs at 18 degrees Pisces. If you look at your natal chart, you will be able to tell which house/area/planets will be triggered to cleanse from Solar Eclipse.

This Solar Eclipse is close to Chiron in Pisces (20 degrees)  and Ceres (15 degrees). Chiron represents the unhealed parts of our soul that we came with into this incarnation to heal. We may have carried this wound for many lifetimes, and any healing of these wounds is a powerful event seen in that context. This Solar Eclipse can be used to release negative energy we have been carrying associated with this wound, releasing emotional patterns around this wound. A powerful affirmation such as ” I am whole and healed” is also beneficial, as it focuses on the positive and healed state, rather than the wound. At the same time, ignoring that we have wounded soul parts does not help either.

Ceres is the asteroid associated with nurturing and children. I feel this eclipse asks us on the one hand to release any negative emotional programs, constructs and thoughts around our inner child, and to secondly to restart with a new way of nurturing our inner child, that brings the inner child joy, pleasure and full expression of its creative powers. Our inner child deserves to find a positive and nurturing outlet for its creative expression.

If you have deep soul wounds or inner child wounds, this is the perfect time to access healing that. Set the intention to heal these wounds, and you should see the manifestation or the cycle finishing by the next Solar Eclipse in September.

Intuitive Guidance: Healing Addictive Issues


This post is connected to my previous post https://starseedshamanblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/31/healing-addictive-issues-jupiter-retrograde-conjunct-north-node-opposite-chiron-trine-mercurypluto-in-capricorn/.

This is an intuitive guidance post using crystals associated with the Planet Jupiter, Quartz and Amethyst. In my previous post I explained that the current astrological configuration of Jupiter retrograde, conjunct the North Node, opposing Chiron and trine Mercury and Pluto, was an opportunity to heal an addictive issue that we have, an unhealed wound that we brought with us into this life. This issue can be from a past life or associated with an archetype that we are healing in this life.

How to use this intuitive guide: Close your eyes and focus on one addictive issue that you want to heal during this Jupiter retrograde period- it can be related to drugs, food, relationship patterns, career, family, thoughts etc, but focus on one issue. Now open your eyes, and look at the crystals in the picture. Pick a crystal or number that you are drawn too. There could be multiple crystals that you feel are connected to your issue.

Each crystal is associated with a past life issue or archetypal pattern that is the core of the addictive issue that you want to heal. The answers are detailed below and the messages are from my guides. The answer will help you to focus the inner work that you must do to heal this issue, and is just a starting point, you must take action and do the work needed for healing, and this is individual and unique for each person.  If you would like an depth reading or more detailed advice about this with me, please contact me at http://www.alayahealingservices.com to book a reading.

Answers for each Crystal: 

Crystal 1: Quartz: The addiction issue you want to heal was created in a past life where you were a scribe or writer. In this life, you may have felt like you wanted to be a writer, but there were always blocks in the way to fully expressing that. To help you heal the current addiction issue, you need to write down all your feelings associated with this addiction. This will help you to release this issue.

Crystal 2 Amethyst: The addiction issue you want to heal is related to the HERMIT archetype. This archetype in a positive way helps you to connect to your creativity and inner life. The negative aspect is withdrawing from society, fear of others or negative judgements of others, hiding your light from others.

Crystal 3: Quartz: The addiction issue you want to heal is related to a past life karmic relationship that was toxic, karmically unbalanced and created issues in relationships for you today.

Crystal 4: Amethyst: The addiction issue you want to heal is related to the Martyr archetype. The positive aspect of this archetype is learning to transcend problems, and service to others. The negative aspect is addiction to self pity or feeling victimized by life and circumstances.

Crystal 5: Quartz: The addiction issue you want to heal is related to a past life as a medicine man or medicine woman. Sometimes we heal others because we need healing, and other times when we are healing, we can cause damage to ourselves through not having correct protection. You may be wanting to be a healer in this lifetime, but are experiencing blocks to this manifesting.

Crystal 6: Amethyst: The addiction issue you want to heal is related to the archetype of the Orphan child. The positive attributes of this archetype is learning independence , conquering fear of survival. The negative attributes of this archetype are feelings of abandonment. The inner child feels lost, and is looking for a surrogate family, which can cause other problems too, since its coming from the wounded part and not the healed aspect.

Crystal 7: The addiction issue you want to heal is associated with a past life betrayal, an incident that broke your trust, or where you lost your faith. Think of your issue, and see how trust, faith, betrayal are connected to this issue.

Crystal 8: Amethyst: The addiction issue you want to heal is associated with the archetype of mediator. The positive aspects of this archetype are a gift for negotiating, fairness, ability to maintain neutrality. The negative side of this archetype is negotiating without neutrality or with an ulterior motive, hidden agenda. You need to reflect on your issue and see how not maintaining a neutral attitude has impacted your addiction.



Why don’t we trust our intuition?

Trusting our intuition is the most important way to increase our intuitive and psychic powers. Yet, it seems to be the biggest block for most people to over come. There are many reasons why we don’t trust our intuition:

  • Increased fluoride use has calcified our pineal gland, the seat of the third eye, blocking our natural psychic ability.
  • Centuries of brainwashing on a massive scale- from the subjects we teach in school, to media we are bombarded with, all disconnect us from our third eye and our body responses.
  • We also inherit our ancestral blocks, fears and issues that can stop us from trusting our intuitive capacity.
  • Our mind and mental thoughtforms (such as Archons) disconnect us from the bodies natural intuitive structures- the third eye, the heart and the gut instincts are all body related intuition, which our mind can disregard as paranoia, craziness, insanity, insecurity. If you are clairaudient, then your inner ear is also psychic. We probably have even more undiscovered psychic abilities in our body, but modern science does not want to study this.
  • If trust is broken in early childhood through trauma, PTSD that can occur after will block us from trusting our intuitive signals.
  • We don’t ask the correct questions, and while we may be listening to our intuition, we also have to ask the RIGHT question.

So how do we learn to trust our intuition? Here are some easy steps that you can do to combat doubt and learn to trust your intuition:

  • Decalcify your pineal gland, there are many methods to do this if you do an internet search on this topic. Stop using fluoride toothpaste and anything that has extra fluoride.
  • Question what you have learned in school and your own thought processes since many of these are formed or shaped by brainwashing. Meditation is another tool that can quiet the mind and allow clear knowledge to arise.
  • Healing ancestral issues can be accomplished through shamanic healing, Munay Ki rites, counselling, psychotherapy, art and sound therapy etc.
  • Archons and thoughtforms work on the mental plane, and they do affect our body; A negative thought can increase corticosteroids, adrenaline and generate a fear response in the body. We need to reconnect to the body without the mind interfering. Grounding daily is imperative. Identifying your bodies “yes” response is important too. This can be tingling, stomach gurgling or sounds, electric signals in the body, and are usually an uplifting or positive response. No responses from the body are usually contractions, such as stomach dropping or contracting, nausea, muscles tightening.
  • If you suffer from PTSD, start to heal this issue. You can see a counsellor, get shamanic healing, EFT, CranioSacral Therapy, massages, group therapy.
  • Ask a question in many different ways. I do this when doing a Tarot reading for a client, because the right question gets an answer quickly and clearly. I sometimes add a time element to the question too, since open ended questions do not give clear answers.

Once your trust is reconnected, you will be amazed at how much your intuition and psychic abilities will grow and expand.